Following the journey of award winning author, Alex Azar, as he travels the publishing world and all things interesting. To reproduce or publish any material found within this blog, please contact me at

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rejection 12: The Statue Garden

It's been a while since I've posted a rejection letter, and I don't want to mislead anyone. Despite my recent string of successes, I still get rejections letters.  Below you'll find a recent rejection I received for a story I know is good.

Hello Alex,
Thank you so much for the submission, and I apologise for the delay in my response.
While I liked your story very much and enjoyed reading it; I do feel that it isn't really a suitable fit for this anthology.
If you have a story that you think would be a better fit, please feel free to send it along.
I am looking for stories to do with planting either ideas or horticulture and watching the ideas or produce flourish into your worst nightmare.

What I find interesting about this one is that I thought it may be rejected for a completely different reason.  In the story the main character as an adult recollects a nightmare she had at the age of 5.  In the dream her adult self is raped by a creature/man.  I was worried that although it was only a dream, and I made it clear it was her future adult body, the editor/publisher would have an issue with a 5 year old having a nightmare of being raped.  As you can tell from my next post, I was wrong.

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