Following the journey of award winning author, Alex Azar, as he travels the publishing world and all things interesting. To reproduce or publish any material found within this blog, please contact me at

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Free thoughts 7/5

I know I'm not the only one who plays out conversations in their heads. What I find interesting are the inspirations that I have during these conversations, many of which are arguments (go figure).  For the most part these inspirations are in the form of a line or snippet of conversation that I later feel the need to work into a story.

A prime example of this is from a number of years ago: I don't recall exactly what i was thinking, but I remember explicitly getting the image of my head of some guy hugging a tombstone while crying in the rain and he yells out "I just want you!" to the thundering sky.  The image played so heavily in my mind I ended up working it into the story I was working on about a super hero trying to quit the life to live with his new wife.  With the scene I created a back story of how he had already been married but his arch-villain had killed her awhile ago.

The addition to that one scene added so many elements to the story that I hadn't previously thought of and took it from a short story to a novella.  Because of that scene and how it so affected the development of the story I've made sure to keep track of all of these inspirations I have talking to myself in an app on my phone (yes, there's an app for that), like the recently added "I will shit on your grave!" That was inspired by me thinking back to the movie of a similar name "I will Spit on your Grave" and wondering what other levels the sentiment could be taken to.

There are a couple of these lines that I've been trying to find a suitable home for them but they come off too forced for any of the given situations I'm already writing, like a humorous/disturbing line about possible non-consenting sex. (fear not, the intended line implies the deed was not done because of it's illegality.)

And although this is a day late, Happy Birthday 'Merica!!!!!
OK that's enough of that, hope you enjoyed your booze, fireworks, and at least slightly burned food